*Dream archive: Three Colored Eagles* -- 20 Nov 1999 Any other interpretations? (What’s the deal with those colors, really?) It’s edited for just getting to the point. I have tried to characterize the authors intent genuinely, while omitting some elaboration. IN A NIGHT VISION GOD WARNS AMERICA ARISE, OH, CHURCH! Ó Copyright 1985 by Frank D. Hammond ALL RIGHTS RESERVED In A Night Vision The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream; and he that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff to the wheat? saith the Lord. Is not my word like a fire? saith the Lord; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces? Jeremiah 23:28-29. In the context of this passage God is warning Israel and Judah of impending judgment. It is time for the pastors, the prophets and the priests to call this sinful nation to repentance, that God’s judgment may be stayed. The Majority of the spiritual leaders are themselves engrossed in sin, and they lull the people into a false sense of peace and security throught[*] their false prophesies and dreams. . . . There are still some true seers in the land, such as Jeremiah. So, God is calling those who have His word to faithfully declare it. He is calling those who have had a true spiritual dream to tell it. . . . Over the past several years the Lord has spoken to me at least a dozen times through night visions. Most of these spiritual dreams have come as “words of knowledge” for my personal edification and as guidance confirmations. This message, however, was for the U.S.A. as well as the Church. As an act of obedience to God, I must tell it. The vision occurred on the night of February 5, 1985. There was no question in my heart that the dream was a message from the Lord, but the interpretation was concealed. . . . Exactly seven nights after I had the vision I was awake during the night and I began to pray that the Lord would give the interpretation. . . . As I prayed, a supernatural sleep enveloped me and I found myself in close communion with the Lord. Then in a second vision, He gave the interpretation to the first. As the Lord disclosed to me the significance of the various components of the vision, it was not as though He spoke to me in an audible voice, but He put an understanding within me. For several weeks after the interpretation was given, a sense of “knowing” remained very active in my spirit. The Holy Spirit led me to scriptures which confirmed and illustrated what had been revealed. The Vision The dream began with me sitting in a large stadium among a crowd of people. It was at night, and there was a layer of light clouds overhead. Suddenly there was a very brilliant light that illuminated the clouds from above. The light attracted everyone’s attention, and all eyes were upon the shining clouds. People were wondering aloud what the source of the light might be. One person speculated that the light might be coming from a comet. Then the clouds directly overhead parted and an eagle descended through the clouds. The eagle was brilliant green in color, and was very stocky and strong in appearance. The eagle had many sharp teeth like those of a saw, and its claws were extended in an attack position. It amazed me that no one else in the stadium seemed the least impressed with what we were seeing. I exclaimed, “This is like something one would read about in the Book of Revelation. It must be a judgment of God coming down upon us!” The eagle descended swiftly to the earth. Its exact point of attack was near the stadium but just out of my sight. At this point everyone began to leave the stadium to go to their homes. As the crowd dispersed, I was walking with a few others. Suddenly, there was a second burst of brilliant, white light exactly like the first. Within moments the clouds parted and a second eagle appeared in the heavens. His appearance was like that of the first eagle: he was broad breasted, strong and fierce looking. The only difference was that he was brilliant red in color instead of green. His teeth and claws were bared in preparation for attack. The red eagle descended swiftly to the earth a little distance away. I did not witness the exact scene of his attack. The people walking beside me took only a casual interest in this plunging, red eagle, but I was very intent in observing it. I wondered what all this might signify. I was more convinced than ever that these two eagles represented judgments from God coming upon our land. Finally, everyone else had disappeared into their houses, and I remained out of doors alone. Then, for a third time, the heavens above me were illuminated by a burst of glowing, white light which originated above a thin layer of white clouds. At this very moment the Lord began to speak to me. He told me that a third eagle would soon appear. I was instructed to lift my arm and point directly toward the brightest spot of light in the heavens. The Lord said, “When the next eagle appears you must command him to come directly to you. When he comes to attack, then you must destroy him.” The moment the Lord finished speaking, the clouds parted and a third eagle appeared in the heavens. He was strong and fierce looking like the two which preceded him. The only difference was that his color was a brilliant blue. Without a tinge of fear I pointed at this plunging, attacking eagle and commanded him to come directly to me. He immediately obeyed and came swiftly toward me with teeth bared and claws extended for attack. My right hand shot forth. I firmly grasped the eagle by the neck. As I sought to grasp his neck with my left hand also, his claws restrained my left hand. Actually, his claws were only beneath the edges of my fingernails. After a brief struggle, the tips of my fingernails split and my left hand was freed to grasp the eagle’s neck. With a quick, powerful stroke, I twisted off the eagle’s head and cast its lifeless form to the ground. I then entered a nearby house and asked the people there if they had seen the third burst of light. I explained that the light was so bright that it would easily have shone through their windows and would have intensified the light already in their house. To my surprise these people were totally unaware of the light and of the decent of the third eagle. Furthermore, they took no interest in my report, so I did not bother to share with them that I had destroyed the blue eagle. When I left this house I went to another place where I found my wife, Ida Mae. As I shared my experience of the evening with her, she was most interested and excited over all that had happened. Together we wondered what all these things could mean. God Warns America (The Interpretation) As I pondered over the vision for the next several days I was reminded of the scripture which says, Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. . . . But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. I Corinthians 2:12,14. In other words, a spiritual dream cannot be deciphered by human reasoning, only by Divine revelation. I had learned this spiritual principle through my experience with previous spiritual dreams. I knew that I must wait prayerfully upon the Lord for the interpretation. The interpretations to previous dreams had come in several unique ways, but never before had an interpretation come through a subsequent vision. The Stadium The Lord explained to me that the sports stadium filled with people meant that the normal events of life will be going on when His judgments come. People will be pursuing their pleasures rather than making preparations for the evil day. It will be the same as it was in the days of Noah. People were eating and drinking, and doing all the things they normally did, right up till the time that the flood came. Therefore, they were caught totally unprepared and with no way of escape. . . . The Clouds The clouds overhead were thin and white rather than heavy and dark. If the clouds had been gathering for a storm, I could have immediately discerned that they spoke of coming judgment, but the clouds I saw were not the least threatening in appearance. They gave no hint of judgment. I was made to understand that the coming judgment would not be preceded by ominous clouds of forewarning. The judgments would seem to most people like natural circumstances not attributable to God. That is, they would only be recognized as judgments by those with spiritually discerning eyes. Clouds represent a concealing of what lies beyond. The natural man will not discern, and therefore not anticipate the approaching judgments. They will come suddenly and unexpectedly as represented by the sudden opening of the clouds as each of the eagles of judgment were released. The Night The scene took place in the night. This represents the operation of Satan and his kingdom of darkness. The fact that the judgments are the works of Satan does not contradict the fact that they are from God. When God sent His judgment upon king Saul “an evil spirit from the Lord troubled him” I Samuel 16:14. The judgments will come as satanically inflicted curses when God lifts His restraining hand upon the powers of wickedness in the heavenlies. The Brilliant Light The brilliant light was a heavenly, supernatural light. It represents the light of God which shines upon the evil one. It exposes all of his ways and doings. The judgments of God are never hidden. Before God moves in chastening power, He always reveals His intentions through His prophets. Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the Lord hath not done it? Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. Amos 3:6-7 Thus, Divine illumination precedes punishment. Nevertheless, there are many who see the light who do not comprehend the light. Jesus said: Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand. Matthew 13:13 This explains why most of those who saw the light and what it revealed remained unmoved while I, representing spiritual men, recognized its meaning. This is why they attributed the light to a comet and looked for a natural explanation and perceived not that the light was supernatural. When Saul of Tarsus was smitten by God on the road to Damascus there was a brilliant light from heaven. Those who journeyed with Saul saw the light but did not discern its source. The voice of God sounded like thunder and their ears perceived no message. Saul (Paul) recognized the presence of the Lord and understood His words. (See: Acts 9:1-7; 22:6-9). May all who read this vision have “eyes to see and ears to hear.” The Eagles The eagle is bird of prey. He is strong and swift. His lodging is in the high places of the earth, and His domain is in the heavenlies. Thus the eagle represents those spiritual powers spoken of in Ephesians 6:12 as “the rulers, powers, world forces of darkness and spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places” (New American Standard). The eagle is also a symbol of the United States of America, and I was thus shown that the judgments coming down were upon our nation. Furthermore, the American eagle, which normally speaks to us of our nation’s power to defend herself and to overcome her enemies, was now in the role of aggressor against our nation. I was made to understand that the approaching judgments will be self inflicted from within our own nation, and through ore own government. The lifestyle in our nation, which has long been looked upon as a blessing, will become a curse. If you will not hear, and if you will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto my name, saith the Lord of hosts, I will even send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings: yea, I have cursed them already, because ye do not lay it to heart. Malachi 2:2 The Green Eagle In the United States of America we call our currency “greenbacks.” The green eagle represents an attack upon our economy and in particular upon the dollar. Our prosperity and per capita income has been one of the highest in the world. Money and materialism have become America’s gods. Just as the plague judgments which came upon Egypt were against their gods: the Nile, the frogs and all else they worshipped, so God’s judgment is against America’s gods of money and materialism. I was not told in what ways these judgment would come (rising inflation, rising interest rates, deflation or in other ways). In all probability it will come by a combination of factors. The god of money will fall and its power will fail. Since the Lord gave enlightenment that our own nation will be the channel for this judgment, we might expect that leaders within government will make decisions or pass legislation which will create economic chaos. Our government might fail to take appropriate or timely action. One thing was made clear to me: governmental authority and functions not our source of economic protection and provision. The government is not God! To look to government as one’s source is to replace God with an idol. It will be through the function or malfunction of government that the curse will appear. This does not mean that we should put the blame upon the President or the congress. The sin of materialism, the worship of money, has infected the hearts of our people. The decisions of our elected servants merely reflect the greed, selfishness and lust which are in our hearts. . . . The Red Eagle The red eagle represents bloodshed. America is guilty of gross sins of murder. An estimated one and a half million babies are aborted annually in the United States. God will no longer ignore this carnage. There is ample warning in the Word of God that He will avenge the bloodshed of murder. . . . One of the specific causes for a curse from God is murder of the innocent. “Cursed be he that taketh reward to slay an innocent person” Deuteronomy 27:25. Who is more innocent than a baby yet in the mother’s womb? Who is more guilty of murder for hire than the doctors and their staffs who receive pay for murder by abortion? The nation that permits such bloodshed is guilty before God. . . . The Lord impressed upon me that abortion brings the curse and that the continued loss of our children by abortion is a part of the bloodshed of His judgment. Thus, abortion is both the cause and effect of God’s judgment. But, oh America, the bloodshed will not be limited to continued abortions. There will be added to this the bloodshed that comes through terrorism and violence in our land. The fierce, blood-red eagle plunging in judgment upon our nation is vividly pictured in Scripture: The Lord shall bring a nation against thee from far, from the end of the earth, AS SWIFT AS THE EAGLE FLIETH; a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand; A NATION OF FIERCE COUNTENANCE, which shall not regard the person of the old, nor show favor to the young. Deuteronomy 28:49-50 (capitals mine) . . . The Lord further made me to understand that the bloodshed would not be limited to human blood, but would also include the blood of animals. The passage just quoted continues on to say that when the army of God’s judgment comes because of Israel’s sins, that both the blood of men and animals will be shed. And he shall eat the fruit of thy cattle, and the fruit of thy land, until thou be destroyed: which also shall not leave thee either corn, wine, or oil, or the increase of thy kine, or flocks of thy sheep, until he have destroyed thee. Deuteronomy 28:51 In my spirit I clearly understood that the bloodshed of THIS judgment would not be the result of war and foreign invasion. The “nation” that comes against us is to be a demonic kingdom. The only thing that now withholds the invasion of demonic hordes posed for destruction against the United States is God’s restraining hand of mercy. The only thing that will keep God’s restraining hand in place is a sweeping, spiritual revival which will turn America back to God in obedience, righteousness and holiness. The Blue Eagle The Lord reminded me that blue is a heavenly color and represents His truth which has been given to His Church. Thus, the blue eagle represents persecution and hardship coming against the Church due to her failure to keep God’s truth through purity of doctrine and practice. In some major denominations and churches today over half of the pastors no longer believe in the virgin birth of Jesus, the deity of Jesus, His resurrection nor the inspiration of Scripture. Secular humanism and liberal theology have eroded the true value of God’s Word in the minds and hears of many nominal Christians. Again we are reminded that the impending judgment will be channeled from within our nation. It will come principally through the federal and state governments and their agencies. Already there are sinister forces at work which are determined to destroy America’s religious liberties. Prayer has been banned from the schoolrooms, pastors are being jailed for various violations of governmental control and clashes between church and state are increasing in frequency and intensity. This is but the tip of the iceberg. The Lord caused me to understand that increasing persecution against the Church from the state is because the Church in large part has departed from the truths of God. She has not faithfully heralded an uncompromising gospel. The result has been the erosion of the spiritual and moral foundations of the nation. . . . In the vision I stood as a representative person demonstrating the overcoming power of those who have and love the truth. It was the right hand which was extended and which grasped the dreaded eagle by the throat. The right hand symbolizes strength and ministry. The Lord has raised up His army in the earth and anointed it with His Spirit. These soldiers know their authority over the principalities and powers of Satan’s kingdom. They also understand that acceptance and confession of truth is a necessary condition for spiritual victory. For example, a person who has not repented of ALL his sins can never experience complete deliverance from the demons that torment him. This is just as true of a nation as it is of an individual. Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:31-32 As God called to me and instructed me to command the powerful blue eagle to obey: likewise, God is instructing His army of Spirit-anointed believers to exercise their boldness of faith in spiritual warfare. God’s soldiers stand in truth, for they are girded about with truth. The truth of God’s Word must be ministered in boldness. Satan will make every effort to intimidate. He will bare his sharp teeth and claws in menacing and threatening tactics. Those who know not the truth of their spiritual authority will flee in fear; they will abandon the battle. God is saying that the judgment of persecution against the Church can be averted. In fact, all the judgments can be averted. The whole purpose of God’s warning is to turn the wicked to repentance and obedience. There are enough righteous ones in Sodom-America to make the difference, but these must not remain passive. As they minister the truth in boldness of faith, many will be turned to righteousness, and the powers of coming judgment will be turned aside. The three coming judgments are prepared to come in quick sequence. The fulfillment of the first two give evidence of the certainty of the third. Those who believe the oracles of God are alerted to spiritual warfare. The terrible persecution against the Church can be averted by obedience to God’s commands and by bold warfare against the principalities and powers in the heavenlies. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood” Ephesians 6:12. Our enemy is not man, although Satan uses man. Our real enemy is the devil. The momentary restraint on the fingernails of my left hand by this eagle speaks of his ineffectiveness to resist. His resistance was no more than a token. The fingernails are the armor of the hands, and thus speak to us of our proper weaponry. We have the whole armor of God, but all of the devil’s armor has been taken from him (see Luke 11:20-22). The left hand is the supporting hand and symbolizes intercessory prayer as the necessary companion to direct spiritual warfare. Intercessory prayer is spiritual weaponry. Today the Holy Spirit is raising up an army of prayer intercessors. They support those who are in the forefront of the battle (teachers and ministers of deliverance and spiritual warfare). These two ministries are interdependent. One hand alone could not destroy the fierce eagle of persecution, but when the two hands were joined in ministry the eagle’s head was torn off and his lifeless body thrown to the ground. [Ephesians 6:18] The head of the eagle represents the strong man. His body represents the evil spirits which are under the authority of the strong man. The grasping of the eagle’s neck with the right hand speaks of binding the strong man by the ministry of spiritual warfare. Once the strong man is bound his whole house can be spoiled (see Matthew 12:22-29). The Indifference of the People I questioned the Lord about those who witnessed the eagles of judgment coming down and yet remained so unmoved by what they saw. He reminded me of the many times in the Bible history when people saw but did not perceive. They heard but did not understand. . . . Those in the house whom I questioned about the coming of the third eagle were blind and indifferent. Even as I wasted no effort in an attempt to persuade them, we are simply to tell what we have seen and experienced. We are not to debate the vision nor expect everyone to believe or be impressed by this message from God. My wife, Ida Mae, was open to what I shared. She represents those of the household of faith, those who will believe that the judgments of God are impending upon our land. These will respond to God in a positive way. Why me? Why would the Lord choose me as a vessel to carry this message of coming judgment? Why did he speak to me in this vision of the night? I said with Moses, “Who am I?” Exodus 3:11. I was shown these reasons: (1) I had asked God to speak to me in night visions. It had been months since I had enjoyed this source of revelation knowledge, and I longed to experience it again. So, I was a willing vessel whom God could use. (2) The Lord has called me to a ministry of spiritual warfare. Seventeen years ago He stood beside my bed one night and called, “Frank. Frank!” In recognition and response I answered, “Jesus. Jesus!” Then He said, “I have called you by name.” He has given me insights into spiritual warfare. These truths must now be shared on a wider scale than ever before. (3) He has given me specific truths to teach and put into print so that the Church, God’s army, will receive direction in intercessory prayer and spiritual warfare. He has called me to “sound the trumpet in Zion.” Arise, Oh Church (What Must We Do?) Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed? Isaiah 53:1 This prophetic vision is a serious matter. . . . [What to do is listed and propounded for a couple of pages.] . . . 3. Unite in spiritual warfare. . . . (c) Bind specifically the following demonic powers assaulting our nation: . . . Liberal theology, denial and unbelief concerning the virgin birth, sinlessness, diety, blood atonement, and resurrection of Jesus, . . . 4. Speak to these demonic principalities in the authority of Jesus’ name. . . . * * * * * * Reply to: angel_marvelzombie@yahoo.com