*Julian Plays Warlock* -- 02 Jun 2000 On Tue, 21 Mar 2000 09:50:03 GMT, tfactor_9@my-deja.com (subject: fax from the dead), to alt.dreams, wrote: > I was in New Orleans in my dream, staying at the home of a > long dead warlock named "Julian Mayfair" (in the dream). The > fax machine started receiving a fax, five pages long. It was > addressed to my attention and was printed on bizarre paper > with green patterns. The fax was from this dead warlock! I > dont remember reading it before waking up. So what does this > one mean? Ever dream of people's names that you never heard > of before? > > Thank you The moment I read the line with the warlock named Julian, I recalled the movie, *Warlock* (1991) starring the British actor Julian Sands as Warlock, and Lori Singer as Kassandra. I went to MS Access -- remembering the password on the first try, gratifying me -- and I found which tape contains *Warlock*. I popped in the tape to remind myself of the story’s setting so that I might say something about it. The movie begins in 1691 in Boston at a stone tower-like prison several stories tall. They have a blonde-ponytailed warlock guy chained inside. Before his sentence can be exacted, he zaps away to the future -- falling, amidst broken glass and furniture, unconscious, into the living room of the house in Los Angeles where Kassandra rents a room. They put him on her bed for the night. In the morning he awakens, taking notice of the time era, thus: he looks down on the bedroom table whereon lies a weekly free-newspaper -- like *New Times* in Miami (articles like on art and social injustice, and ads for hair salons and cosmetic surgery clinics, and restaurants and dance clubs). They are issue dated on the Friday. Seeing the newspaper date, Warlock groans in dismay, “Could *this* somehow be the year?” Kassandra hollers off to her gay house-mate, “He talks English . . . *English* English.” I paused the tape to read the newspaper date Warlock was looking at. It read “March 4 - 10, 1988,” which I had not noticed the couple of times before watching the movie. Friday, March 4, 1988, is the day I was released from the Tulsa County Jail around noon, after being imprisoned the first time, this for 16 days. During the stay -- extended, perhaps, by my not waiving extradition and thinking to work out something more accommodating, I had some noteworthy dreams, such as: meeting William Jennings Bryan who was like campaigning in a black suit, and the house next door on the corner being set up with demonic hidden electrical terror designs. Several days before the arrest in a university dining hall -- at 1330 hrs, thank God -- there was the Tweedle Dee dream. I note that the same sort of “imprisoned and then zapped away” effect occurred in *The Twelve Monkeys* (1996). In that story, it was Bruce Willis who got so released from confinement. Thursday, 13 Apr 2000, Drm: In my parents’ living room, a group of the family (supposedly) is gathered around the television, chairs specially positioned for viewing. The television is tuned on cable to channel 8, the ABC channel in Lincoln. What is on the television is a made-for-TV movie drama about an unprecedented biological cataclysm. I advise that the same movie would also be on channel 12, the local ABC station -- while picking up the remote control and changing the television to channel 12. As if, “Okay, all right already,” they all want me to stop interfering and just leave the TV alone. The movie scene is like in someone’s house, a man and a woman emoting to one another, close-up on the man’s face. The channel 12 showing is about a half hour out of sync from the other one, this one being further along in the movie. That is better, so it’s as if, -- “Thankyou for the assistance, now just let us watch.” (scene-change) In the hallway of a large, old hospital -- the kind with spacious hallways that echo when you walk, where they darken the lights at night, like now. Walking down the hallway for a moment, not thinking of anything, I peer into the opened doorway that I am approaching on the right. It’s all lighted up; a lab facility -- in area, more like a small gym with body-sized tables filling the room. The doorway into the room is hinged on the right; it is at a corner of the room that extends in the direction I have been walking. Upon my glance into the room, I observe over across the room along the far wall that runs perpendicular to the hallway, two men in white lab coats walking in the direction toward the hallway. Upon seeing those two, my mental systems are on full alert, for this is the diabolical psychiatric surgeon (played by a middle-aged gray- bearded University of Miami library employee) and his protégé following (played by my best friend’s less than exceptionally bright roommate when we were at Texas A&M). With celerity I turn around and run back for the stairwell that is down the hall on the left. Fearful of discovery before I can reach the stairwell, I grab the end of my ponytail with my left hand and put it in my mouth -- maybe if I am seen running away, they won’t so immediately recognize me, although being seen running might in itself tip them off. I must just get to the stairwell before they see me. Momentarily I make it to the stairwell door on my left. Grabbing the handle on the left side of the door with my right hand, I push open the door and dart inside. Now inside the normally lighted stairwell running down, I feel significantly relieved. The idea is just to get out of the hospital before capture by the psychiatric experimentation people. I run down flights of stairs, seemingly familiar with my escape route. (Yet, there was not the normal cognizance of seeing ahead in my mind where I’m going; I was just going.) Two floors down, the stairwell ended -- I knew that’s how it was -- and with my left hand I pull open the door and enter, turning to my right, continuing my escape run into the hallway that is normally lighted and in which there is normal hospital activity. The people working on this floor are dissociated from the diabolical activity two floors up. I am heading straight for another stairwell that I know is up ahead like ten meters on the right, intending to continue down and escape the hospital. [end] So after waking up, I walked down the stairs into the living room. The television was on. Making me laugh, the first thing I hear is -- close up on Adam Arkin -- “But if you go ahead and *do* the operation, [although you’ll cure the whatever], he’ll be born without a brain.” Relevant audio material is filed at: The Twelve Monkeys Archive, *The Discourses of Brad Pitt While Imprisoned in the Loony Hospital*. http://roswell.fortunecity.com/lefanu/539/monkeys/monkeys.html There’s also a couple of pieces with Madeleine Stowe lecturing on Stonehenge, psychic abilities, and the Book of the Revelation. Film note: I just looked up Julian Sands and Lori Singer in a film personalities reference. They call *Warlock* “the brain-dead witchcraft effort.” (But I liked it.) It says Julian Sands was born in 1958 in Otley, West Yorkshire, England, and that he has had “a busy screen career, playing everything from psychologist Carl Jung to a schizophrenic to a drug addict,” as well as Warlock. * * * * * * Reply to: angel_marvelzombie@yahoo.com