*Risky Video-business* -- 26 Feb 2001 Sunday, 25 February 2001, Drm 1: I’m at a movie video-viewing plaza place carpeted in gray, this different from a video rental store and an enjoyable social scene. Along the curved wall at my right-side are booths of sorts, soft and sofa-like in blue-gray. They are sort of secluded nooks, arranged for small group viewing, each booth with a device into which is inserted the 7-inch disk-like movie recording, all of which are displayed, seemingly at certain points scattered about the room, in colorful boxes a little bit larger, me not actually seeing a disk. There are more booths arranged within the room interior, also. The deal is that the movies are watched in a small social interaction (-- like dining at a restaurant is sort of what it was like, thinking back on it). Someone in the group I’m with comes up to where I’m standing with the colorful movie-disk box in his hand showing it to us, that choice being a good one; the several of us will be watching that movie. I dream-process in the state of expectation, like right before a movie starts at the theater, as we begin to move like, okay, who’s going to sit where. (waking up, realizing it and going back to sleep) Drm 2: I’m with a some friends at a video rental store, the place and the search experience kind of entertaining. We’re near one another deciding what to get, when my attention is diverted and, moving a little bit over to my right, I come up with my own idea -- what I know I want to get for us. (Like the last dream, normal VCR tapes did not exist. The standard recording format wasn’t as prominent a fact as the last dream, but the dream- reality sort of continued here from before, the design-format and packaging for the movies being similar to the 7-inch disks in the last dream.) The movie recordings are in bins in rows about the store (like how CDs are displayed and you can flip through them). I look over at a bin to my right in the long row-display which has bins on the other side too. My attention is drawn to some intriguing movie videos in this bin, these in a different and unusual sort of format seemingly overlooked by most everyone. They are only in this one bin. These are movie videos which have complete music overlays *with* the film, which is different from the others. I reach down for one with my right hand. (The video cartridges are in slim plastic boxes which have on them the promotional movie information; but I know what’s inside.) The recording design-format is a tape cassette, like audio cassette tape, only here a silvery metal-like cartridge 5 by 3 inches, and I see the image of the tape -- in a vision-like ordinary dream- process -- recalling in my mind what the tape is like, along the cartridge edge (the tape being a little bit wider than audio cassette tape). I decide some of these would be entertaining, my contribution to our evening of movie home-viewing, and I remember I have a card good at this store for ten free rentals which hasn’t even been used yet -- although we’ve had the card for a long time. I’ll use the card to get some of these. This one that I’ve initially picked up in my hand (and I’m looking at) will be neat, one of the several I’ll get us. The music in this one is (dream-remembering the musical group). I think the people I’m with will enjoy this. I’m going to look through the other cartridges -- [waking up, wondering if those were separate dreams, and realizing they were] Later when I was going over the dream, recalling it for writing down, I tried to think of the group’s name. I couldn’t think of it for a while. (I didn’t actually think of the group’s name in the dream, but I knew the group I was remembering.) Although sometimes I remember things in a dream which actually aren’t in my real-life memory, I thought this group was a real-life memory. So after a moment of thinking of what it was I was remembering about that music, I did recall it: Tangerine Dream. * * * * * * Reply to: angel_marvelzombie@yahoo.com